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How disciplined are you?

I have always observed that each of my day is different. Not because of the different types of task I have but it is related to my attitude. Attitude determines how our day is going to be every time. I am a morning person or more to say, I perform better if I wake up early and sharpen my mind with right thoughts. If I am late to bed the previous night and wake up late, I do not get the time to sit and think on various things I need to do and time to read a book or listen to a talk. I am working from my home for last 2 years now. In fact, I did that few years back too. Having an home office is a blessing and a curse. It is a curse if you do not understand and turn the weakness to your advantage. I work a lot on computers. This means I am have physical activities and less interaction with people face to face. I can sit in bed and work and in my pajamas. No one knows who I am and how I look like. My parents and  friends I know have gone to office to work. I had worked in office space
Recent posts

A morning walk and thoughts

I work up early today with lot of thoughts in me. With no intention to sleep again, I was lying down in bed thinking about something. After a coffee and overview of morning paper here (I never like that), I was roaming around the house. My aunt told me about Sangy Tank nearby, a good place for a walk. With no intention to walk today, I told her I will go and check that place. It is 5 mins walk from my aunt's home. Lots of trees here in Bangalore. Sangy Tank is a water reservoir with lots of trees surrounding it. I was attracted by the sight of the place and I am very sure about lot of people going around the side path of the reservoir.

TODO: write something and publish

I am not willing to agree that I do not have anything to write at this moment. When I saw my posts in the blogger there are are many more in draft that I never completed and published. I hope this gets published. What should I write about today is the next question. Why not I write about 'why I write in a blog and never publish'. nope. It is not something useful. I can write about something else. time goes on .. still thinking ... I am eager to publish this post at least after a long time .. OK.. I am publishing this post for blog sake... I am a blogger too .. again ! ... 


திருவந்தாதி 1 வையம் தகளியா வார்கடலே நெய்யாக, வெய்ய கதிரோன் விளக்காக, - செய்ய சுடராழி யானடிக்கே சூட்டினேஞ்சொன் மாலை, இடராழி நீங்குகவே என்று. ##############

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Morning. Near my home.

Magic Thatha

My old school friend remind me about magic thatha and I started to rewind back my school days. My thatha (gandpa) used to drop me at school everyday his his Made in England cycle. I used to sit in a specially made seat next to handlebar. My school is 10 mins away from my home in cycle. As I do not write notes properly, he used to come to school and write notes from my classmates notebook for me and I will be playing at that time. Well, he started to become student again because of me. He takes down all the notes so that I can read them and pass the exams. He was so optimistic I suppose. My classmate from whom grandpa used to copy the notes, told my class teacher about this in some class and everyone laughed at me. I did not bother much even after that. He is very popular in school and known as magic thatha. Made in England cycle stops daily in nearby tender coconut shop daily and he says the cycle will not move without buying coconut for me. Funny. I am his pet and never scolds me

Marksheet matters

Cricketers are not always in form and score good runs. Even Sachin is a master of the cricket but he failed in some matchs with single digit score. I too fall into that category. I never scored good always and was had ups and down. It happens in cricket and also in my ... mark sheet. I came running home to tell my Mom that I got 80/100 in Tamil exam in the first mid-term test. That was happy moment at home. I thought I will never go out of form. Next day, I got my science marks. It is 32/100. Pass mark is 40/100. Gone. I did not get the rank that time as well. I am not weak in one subject but in all of them especially English. I never knew the grammar till I took French as my second language at my 9th grade instead of continuing Tamil. They taught us the basic grammar lessons in French and the English counterpart. I was lucky enough to understand and learn both together. Well, why did I go out of Tamil? It is my mother tongue and father is a Tamil writer. Maybe, I wanted to pass atle